Why Intervention Helpline
What is an Intervention?
An intervention is a powerful solution oriented process that involves a group of people preparing themselves to approach a person with an addiction problem that will not voluntarily get help. The goal of intervention is to present the alcoholic or drug user with a structured opportunity to accept help and to make changes. People who struggle with addiction are often in denial about their situation and unwilling to seek treatment. They may not recognize the negative effects their behavior has on themselves and others. An intervention helps the person make the connection between their use of alcohol and drugs and the problems in their life. Family and friends caringly present factual testimony explaining the negative impact of the disease in his life and how it has personally affected them. Much of the intervention process is education and information for the friends and family. It is an opportunity for everyone to come together, share information and support each other.
Why an Intervention?
Nothing is working. You have tried the heart to heart conversations, the angry conversations, but the alcoholic or drug addict you are trying to communicate with doesn’t believe there is a problem or thinks you are the one with the problem. Perhaps the alcoholic or drug addict keeps promising to change, maybe even stays sober for a while, but consistently goes back to using or drinking. It can be challenging to know how to help someone you care about when they are struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol. You may need to join forces with others and take action through an intervention which presents your loved one with a structured opportunity to make changes, and it can motivate him or her to seek or accept help for alcohol or drug abuse.
Why have Intervention Helpline facilitate the intervention?
A successful intervention needs to be planned carefully to work. At Intervention Helpline we help the team understand the disease concept of alcohol and drug abuse, assist them in writing scripts, arrange for a treatment center specific to the alcoholic or drug addicts needs, and facilitate the intervention process. Our professional interventionist brings an unbiased perspective that is vital during this emotional process. He will take into account your loved one’s particular circumstances, suggest the best approach, and help guide you in what type of treatment and follow-up plan is likely to work best. Without proper planning an intervention can worsen the situation and has the potential to cause anger, resentment or create a sense of betrayal. Our experienced interventionist helps keep the everyone focused on conveying to the addict how important it is for them to get treatment.
With the help of our experienced interventionist, family members and loved ones are given the tools necessary to help the alcoholic or drug addict in a compassionate way that will open the door to recovery.